year end camp

December 30, 2013

hello guys I'm back yo tell about my Year End Camp ouwh that so long ago maybe 4 years ago I was in high school.That all girls Bantara.bantara was crew in that camp,and of course me to hehehe.I as a Sectary in that even make a proposal and very busy.But finally I can do it with my partner Mirta.

We waiting other Bantara and begin a braving before the event.

The Ladies of Bantara 2011 ready to goooo Tawang manguu hehehe
And ceremony before going to Tawangmangu.I can't Wait again go to there hehehehehe

Breakfast in tent after we arrived yeay that a consume section and security section 

And this is my section sectary with the others section hehehe ouwh my face T.T

An they're security section the first section arrived before the others and they to put up the all tent
so strong right hehehe.Proud with you guys.

The employee on opening ceremony in Tawangmangu

And they all a participant all student in10 class except the Bantara 

ladies range 

And that first meeting on the spot of course in my tent hehehe 

This is my favorite food and food name is Telo gosong but that taste is very yummy gosong is mean over cook but that not overcook that color is made of chocolate that made one of the group and I got a plate of that again hahaha  

I can't see that waterfall cz I'm in tent with my partner and not join that event T.T

That a health section i don't know about that but that girls is sick but the other take a picture like that ckckckck

Waoooo game timeeeee in chill we play throw water brrr so cold but I'm not join that game hehehhehe

My friends in Bantara before the second game begin..

In this game the participant must take the catfish in mud pond iuuuh only the guy join that game 
dirty and cold

That all crew and the last day of camp.May be just that I tell you about my Year End Camp.
Thank you for reading and see you to my next post :)
X O X O,

Lavitha Tan

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