My new artwork (again)

April 08, 2014

that my new artwork chibi a cute version of someone ouwh I love made that things 
they're my artwork for endrosement in instagram for many followers hahaha somethime they say 'Yay but they heart say Nay." like PHP (pemberi harapan palsu) haha but is all right I can show my artwork with people who knows and love that 

that not endrosment arwork but just for fun because a few days the weather is so Hot in Jakarta 

I open order for chibi making or etc I will make your own chibi,background blog,banner blog or your onlineshop,and ofcourse with a cheap prize guys.

thankyou for see my artwork today and if you will take some picture or make that a background please give me a credit guys.


Lavitha Tan

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