Outbond year end 2013

February 14, 2014

Last night Kelud mounth was eruption ouwh I'm so worried cauze my parent and my lil sister in Madiun and near from that.Ouwh this day I will share about my experience in outbond 3 month ago.So fun but I must take care my pentol always in my pocket hahaha because In bogor is so cold.

We arrived in the hotel that a First picture 

me with my office friend Rena 

Ouwh that our first breakfast in hotel.Did you know we must eat in 10 count so suckin right.And I'm lucky I take my breakfast in my porsi everyday not more like the others hahaha

the view of my seat in breakfast.Like home hahaha

Dinner time we woried be ate in 10 count again hahaha but lucky not for dinner hahaha
We ate together and pray together to begining dinner. 

Our menu dinner before pray of course 

We take picture in break with a good view for background 

Jalan pagi dan masih menyempatkan diri untuk foto sama PM (product manager) And thats a last day with Him 

I'm as maknae (paling muda) in that picture ahahaha 

I love this picture because my legs look good hahaaha *gak penting bgt

ouwh his is a funny picture I think hahaha look the background mas Isnu kayak orang jual A*UA haha

OK thankyou for reading my post who not important
Alway keep smile and make your day colorfull like a rainbow see you

X O X O,

Lavitha Tan

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